Order Form

After you complete the form call Mitch at 212-260-2229

To serve you with our unique talent and formula for laughs, i will beat any competitors listed price, upon request!
payment settled by phone; no cancellation after payment/booking is made

CALL 212-260-2229

Date of singing

Client name

Client work & Cell Phone's

Client E-mail

Honoree... Information


Complete Address and Zip code

*Required on Site contact
Person (Knows were coming) Phone:

Please provide the following ordering information

Any special instruction? (directions etc.)

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Telegram Information:

Delivery date-day of week:

(Morning, Afternoon, Eve.)

Costumes-(3 favorites)


Massage on Telegram
(Who it from?)

If you don't hear from our office promptly, call us and let us know.


Thank you

Please click just once and wait five seconds for confirmation, then CALL IN YOUR PAYMENT within 24 hours to activate.

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